Research Grants under NRCT - FWF Cooperative Research Project
The National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) - The Austrian Science Foundation (FWF)
  1. Research grants are allocated for joint research between Thai and Austrian researchers.
  2. The researchers are required to conduct research in their own country. There may be exchange of researchers under the research project, however.
  3. Each research grant will last about two years, and the Thai researcher will receive a maximum amount of 500,000 baht per year.
  1. Each applicant must contact his Austrian counterpart to discuss their joint research project.
  2. Thai applicants are to submit their project proposals to the NRCT and their Austrian counterparts to the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), A -1040 Wien, Weyringergasse 35, Austria. Tel. 0222 505 6740-4. Fax. 0222 505 6739
  3. Thai applicants are to submit all documents to Foreign Cooperation Section 1, Translation and Foreign Relations Division, NRCT as follows :
    3.1 Submission paper (obtainable from the NRCT)
    3.2 Summary of the proposed research project (ten copies in Thai and ten in English, about one page in length on A4 paper).
    3.3 Project proposal written in Thai in Wor Chor 1 Kor Tor Form (25 copies).
    3.4 Project proposal written in English (five copies)
    3.5 A letter from the researcher's superior with the rank of,at least, director general or equivalent expressing permission for the researcher to use research facilities and equipment, premises,etc.
    3.6 A letter from the Austrian counterpart confirming his interest in the proposed joint research project.
1. Agriculture
2. Architecture
3. Biology
4. Chemistry
5. Engineering
6. Material Science
7. Medical Science
8. Physics
  1. The Sub-committee on the Promotion of Foreign Research Cooperation is to consider/screen Thai researchers' project proposals.
  2. The Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) is to consider/screen Austrian researchers' project proposals.
  1. The NRCT gives approval of research grants to Thai researchers.
  2. The Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) gives approval of research grants to Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) researchers.
  3. Research will begin upon approval of each proposed joint research project by both the NRCT and the FWF
The NRCT will appoint a working consisting of experts in corresponding field of research for the monitoring and evaluation of each research project. Project monitoring and evaluation will be conducted every six months.
a maximum amount of 500,000 baht per year.
all year round.
Foreign Cooperation Section 1,
Translation and Foreign Relations Division, NRCT,
196 Phaholyothin Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900.
Tel. 0-2561-2445 ext.456 and 0-2579-2690. Fax 0-2561-3049
1. แบบหนังสือนำส่งในการขอรับทุนอุดหนุนการวิจัยประเภทโครงการความร่วมมือกับต่างประเทศ
2. แบบเสนอโครงการวิจัยในการขอรับทุนอุดหนุนการวิจัยประเภทโครงการความร่วมมือกับต่างประเทศ (วช. 1 ก/ต)
3. เอกสารแนบหมายเลข 1 (8 Fields)
4. เอกสารแนบหมายเลข 2

return research topic

Revised: 4 December 2000